Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My 2010 Goals & Objectives and Progress

When I made my initial post on this blog in December, I was hoping to create a community (even if that community consisted of just a couple people) of bloggers who are really trying to change their life in 2010 and make a difference for them, their families and their community. My ultimate goal was to create a Mastermind Group that would inspire one another and help keep each other accountable to the goals they set for themselves. But nobody answered the call.

Thanks to Darren Hardy's blog post yesterday I was reminded I and I alone am responsible for the results I get in life and that I need to keep myself accountable whether I have a Mastermind Group in place or not. So I decided to revive this blog and start chronicling my journey as I work towards my own goals. I may be the only one to read what I write, but perhaps someone will stumble upon it and it will inspire them to go for their goals, also. If not, it will simply be a measure of how well I hold myself accountable for my goals and actions.

Today, I want to share with you my list of goals and objectives I came up with for this year. What I did was take each category that I suggested in my previous post and came up with three or more goals that I wanted to accomplish this year. What I came up with is this:

2010 Objectives & Goals

  • 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
  • 175 lb bench press workout weight.
  • Run the Cable Bridge Run 10K.

  • Become an ACN Team Coordinator.
  • Pay off all credit card debt.
  • Develop and maintain a better system for tracking & paying bills and spending.

  • Hold Family Home Evening every week.
  • Hold a Family Council every Sunday night (Review week, coordinate schedules, set goals, plan menu and shopping needs, etc.).
  • Hold P.P.I.s with each family member every Sunday.
  • Watch TV less and play more with the kids.
  • Be less reactive and chastise when necessary without yelling.

  • Work outside the cubicle for at least one hour each day.
  • Hone social skills by initiating conversations with complete strangers.
  • Strengthen relationships with acquaintances, ward members and neighbors.

  • Study the scriptures daily both individually and as a couple.
  • Pray and meditate morning and night.
  • Attend the temple twice a month.
  • Share the gospel with at least two families this year.
  • Write in my journal at least once each week.

Career and/or Business
  • Stop procrastinating assignments.
  • Improve time management and organization skills.
  • Take daily, productive action in ACN (i.e. contact someone, follow-up, assist in a PBR or LGM, etc.).

Artistic/Talent Development
  • Learn to play a minimum of 10 songs on the guitar this year.
  • Write a short story or one chapter of a work in progress each week.
  • Complete one art project each month.

Public service
  • Serve voluntarily in at least one community project/activity this year.
  • Complete at least one family service project each quarter.
  • Vote every time the opportunity rises.

  • Finish reading at least one book every other week.
  • Complete ACN training modules – particularly the product modules.
  • Learn how to create websites.

  • Plan and have a date with my wife once a week.
  • Take the whole family to Disneyland.
  • Buy a good, quality camera and photo-editing software and take up photography.
  • Save enough money to plan and take a 2-week trip to Hawaii in 2011.
  • Post on each of my blogs once every week.

After I finished this list, I went through and selected my TOP 10! Goals by choosing a goal from each category to focus on. The goals I selected were either those that I felt were the most significant achievements I could have this year or that would encompass several other goals in the process of accomplishment or provide the means for the accomplishment of other goals on the list.

TOP 10! Goals for 2010

Physical - Run the Cable Bridge Run 10K.

Financial - Become an ACN Team Coordinator.

Family - Hold Family Home Evening every week.

Social - Hone social skills by initiating conversations with complete strangers.

Spiritual - Share the gospel with at least two families this year.

Career / Business - Take daily, productive action in ACN (i.e. contact someone, follow-up, assist in a PBR or LGM, etc.).

Artistic / Talent Development - Learn to play a minimum of 10 songs on the guitar this year.

Public Service - Complete at least one family service project each quarter.

Education - Finish reading at least one book every other week.

Hobbies / Recreation - Plan and have a date with my wife once a week.

Some may argue that I have to many goals and that there is no way I will have the focus necessary to accomplish them, but I disagree. I deliberately selected goals that were complimentary to each other (Social compliments Financial and Spiritual, Career / Business compliments Financial), that were weekly or quarterly activities (Family, Public Service and Hobbies / Recreation), that can fit into the cracks of my daily schedule (Social, Spiritual, and Education) or that give me a break from the daily drive to succeed (Physical, Artistic / Talent Development, Hobbies / Recreation).

I started off on my Physical, Family and Education goals because they would be the easiest to start and I wanted to get some action going. I had to take a break from running due to some health concerns, but our family has had Family Home Evening every week so far this year and I have read 11 books over the first 10 1/2 weeks of the year.

Due to where I work and the hours I currently work, I haven't had many opportunities to work on my Social goal so I will have to make a plan as to how I can create more opportunities on my days off and outside of work. This is an important goal because it plays a direct part in my success for my Financial and Spiritual goals. I don't have problems speaking to people, but I do struggle to initiate conversations and to overcome the awkward silences that can come so easily when speaking to people I don't know. Part of it is because I have never been really good at asking questions designed to get others to speak freely.

Poor time management and planning have played a direct part in my not doing better with my Financial, Career / Business, Artistic / Talent Development and Hobbies / Recreation goals. My wife and I have been out more frequently this year, but we haven't made weekly plans. There have been many weeks where we just hang out and watch a movie - not that there is anything wrong with that. I just don't think it is significant enough to call it a date because it isn't something we planned to do. It was just something we did for lack of anything planned.

So I definitely have room for improvement and I need to better plan and manage my time so as to start incorporating the other goals that are not currently in progress into my weekly schedule.

Until next time!

Monday, December 28, 2009

What is The Challenge?

We've reached that time of year where we reflect on all the things we did and did not accomplish this year and start planning and plotting for what we want to do in the coming one. I was doing just that the other day and started to experience the guilt and frustration that many of us go through when we review our New Year's Resolutions from the past year and how little we actually accomplished. Some of our resolutions were probably ones we had picked up from 2008 and dusted them off to attempt them again in 2009. I hope that fact does not discourage you from setting your resolutions for 2010. It certainly hasn't stopped me! Do you want to know why? It's because I believe that the day you stop trying is the day you start dying!!!

What happens to the athletes' muscles and skills that don't practice their sport? What happens to the musicians' ability to play beautiful compositions if they don't play on a regular basis? What happens to the writers' following if they don't write regularly and continue to hone their craft? It's the same thing that happens to your life when you stop setting goals and resolutions to improve it in some way.

There really isn't anything special about New Year's Day. We generally don't wake up any different than we were the day before (except maybe a little more tired than usual from staying up so late New Year's Eve). It is an artificial beginning created by the invention of the calendar. The only value it gives us is a time period by which we can measure and record our life by. The question is: Do you want your life in 2010 to be the same as it was in 2009, and 2008, and 2007, and 2006,...?

If your answer is a resounding, "NO!!!", then I am happy to introduce you to what I call The 10 for 2010 Challenge.

Now, if you came here looking for the get-rich-quick, get-thin-quick, get-smart-quick, or any other get-something-quick secrets, I am sorry to disappoint you. You won't find any of that here. What I hope you do find here are the tips, strategies and information that will motivate, inspire and empower you to keep pushing through challenges and obstacles in 2010 to accomplish your New Year's Resolutions and change your life for the better.

I will be honest with you, though. I struggle and fail just as easily as the next person. So the information you need may not come through me. I hope that each and every person who takes up the challenge will participate regularly by sharing comments on this blog and posting regularly on their own blogs so that we may all benefit from their insights and experiences as well. Share the good as well as the bad so we can learn from your success when you're jumping for joy and console and encourage you when you're crying in frustration and then learn from you more as you overcome that challenge.

The 10 for 2010 Challenge itself is simple. Here are 5 Steps to get you going:

1. Identify the top 10 things you want to accomplish in 2010 that would change your life and write them down.

There are a number of ways to identify those 10 resolutions. The easiest is to look at the areas of your life that are frustrating to you right now and write down what would need to happen in the coming year to make it better. Choose goals from several categories such as physical, financial, family, social, spiritual, career and/or business, artistic, talent development, public service, education and hobbies and recreation to have a balanced focus for the coming year. Personally, I think the hobbies and recreation resolutions are a must because if it is "all work and no play" you run the risk of burning out before the end of the year. Just make sure that the goals you set are YOUR goals and that it is something that you are passionate about achieving. If it is something that you don't really care if it happens or not, you are unlikely to achieve it.

2. Choose the #1 goal from your list that would make the biggest difference to YOU if you were to achieve it.

This isn't what your father, mother, brother, sister, spouse, neighbor, friend, pet or postal carrier think you should do. It is what you want the most to do! You may be financially strapped for cash, but you would like to lose 20 pounds and two inches off your waistline more than you want to change your financial situation. Go with losing 20 pounds and two inches. The momentum and confidence you gain from working towards and achieving that goal will better enable you to improve your finances ... not to mention all the money you'll save from eating less fast food.

3. Identify the first steps you need to take and all the FORESEEABLE steps that will take you from where you are now to where you want to be before the end of 2010.

Staying with the losing weight example, some first steps may be join a fitness club, ask a friend to be your workout partner (i.e. accountability partner), arrange time in your daily schedule for walking or other exercise, plan a menu of healthy meals and a shopping list, etc. "Foreseeable" is a key word here as far as the steps that will follow. More likely than not, more steps will be added and some may even be deleted as unnecessary as your knowledge and experience grows and as you progress towards your goal. Don't worry about having a "perfect" plan to start with. Just have an action plan that is good enough to get you started and revise it at a later date.

4. Create a blog to chronicle your 10 for 2010 journey.

This is very important!!! And I hope you send me a link to it at so that I can put your link on this blog. Motivation in any endeavor is often difficult to maintain. That is why so many people quit on their resolutions. One of the ways to stay motivated is by keeping a record of your successes and your progress. That way you have something to look back on to help pick you up when things are going as well as expected. I recommend not posting your frustrations or failures except where you have overcome them or gained insight through experiencing them that has better enabled you to achieve your goal. Keep your personal record positive so that you will stay positive!

(I did say earlier to share the bad and the tears and frustration, didn't I? Rather than post about those, leave a comment on this blog or the blog of a fellow traveler who is having success. Ask the questions that you need answers to in order to pull yourself out of the quicksand and move forward again. Remember! Grief, pain and failure are instrumental in our success as long as we learn something from it.)

The second benefit to doing this on a blog and allowing me to link to it is that, together, we create what Napoleon Hill called a Mastermind group in his book, Think and Grow Rich. We create a positive, like-minded society that is interacting with the combined goal of making 2010 a far more successful year than we have ever dreamed of. And as fellow successes, we become resources to those who wish to follow in our steps and do what we have done. It is our way of giving back to those who will be where we are now that have a desire to get to where we will be at the end of this year (if not sooner).

5. Set milestones and rewards for when you reach them.

As I mentioned above, maintaining motivation is a major key to achieving any goal. What better way to do that than to celebrate your victories along the way. Milestones are those points in the journey where you stop and look back and say, "Look how far I've come!" Celebrate those moments! And how you celebrate it is up to you. It can be as simple as calling a friend and telling them so they can give you an encouraging "Wahoo!" or it can be allowing yourself to do something you have been wanting to do for a while.

Using the weightloss example again, you could set your milestones at the 5-, 10-, 15- and 20-pound loss points. Perhaps you put $25 away in a special savings account for each of those milestones so that you have a $100 clothing fund when you're done. If you like to celebrate more often, put $5 away for each pound your lose and keep off. You can even involve a friend or spouse in your celebrations by making them promise to take you dancing every time you lose five pounds. If you dance long enough, who knows - they may lose a much needed five pounds, too!

6. Get started!!!

Once you have your list of 10 goals for 2010, you have selected one to focus on, identified an action plan with a starting point, and set milestones with rewards, then take action immediately!!! Don't procrastinate! Get started and begin the momentum that is going to carry you through the finish line!

I am very excited to begin this journey with you and I look forward to learning and growing with each of you as we create amazing successes, both great and small, in the coming year. Throughout the year, keep in mind the following:

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other."
~ Abraham Lincoln

I hope you will decide that no matter what happens, no matter how many times you fall, no matter how many setbacks you may experience, you will not quit! Drag yourself across the finish line, banged up and bloody, but unbroken and unbeaten; in a word - Victorious!


Those of you who decide not to change your life this year, or perhaps the timing isn't just right for you to begin your journey yet, I thank you for visiting and invite you to come again soon. Perhaps your New Year will begin in March instead of January. Until that time, I encourage you to invite 10 of your closest friends and family members to come and join us. We will welcome them with open arms!